The Black Robe Regiment is a resource and networking entity where church leaders and laypeople can network and educate themselves as to our biblical responsibility to stand up for our Lord and Savior and to protect the freedoms and liberties granted to a moral people in the divinely inspired US Constitution. The Regiment had its historical beginnings during the Revolutionary War when Pastors from across the colonies arose and lead their congregations into the battle for freedom. Unlike today, the church during this time served as the center-point for political debate and discussion on the relevant news of the day. Today's church leaders have all but lost that concept of leading their congregations in a Godly manner in all aspects of their worldly existence and are afraid to speak out against the progressive agenda that has dominated our political system for the past century. Through this time the church and God himself has been under assault, marginalized, and diminished by the progressives and secularists. The false wall of separation of church and state has been constructed in such a manner that most are unaware of its limited boundaries. The church and the body of Christ has been attacked on all fronts and challenged by the progressive courts and groups such as the ACLU while we have sat idle in consent.
The time has come that we must now arise and awaken to the danger of this hyper-progressive agenda that so permeates every aspect of our political, legal, and educational systems. It is time now to educate ourselves and push back against the erosion of our freedoms and liberties and restore the constitutional authority back to all aspects of our governance. It will take the leaders of our churches to shepherd their flocks as did their predecessors during our first fight for liberty.
It is in this spirit that we have created this site. It is to serve as a resource and reference for church leaders and laypeople alike. It is to be a portal for Christians to communicate and network in order to restore the body of Christ to its rightful position of tolerant leadership in all aspects of our government.
LAUS DEO - First we would like to thank all who have joined our social network and have sent messages of inspiration and support. It is you and the love of our Lord and Savior that sustains us. We have finally been able to secure the hosting for our member directory. We are sorry that this has taken so long to get accomplished as it was a considerable financial investment. We still have to secure funds to develop the search module but this was an important first step and we can now begin the process of getting all our member faith leaders and organizations to register. If you are a faith leader or organization and you wish to be included in our directory you must complete the registration form. In the coming weeks we will launch the search capabilities.
In the interim we need your help. You can help by spreading the word and sharing this site with others. Most importantly please invite your church leaders in and make them aware of the various initiatives that are available here. Please ask them to register for the directory listing. We need your prayers to cover not only this effort, but also to cover those church leaders who have answered the call. As these leaders step up they will be attacked and challenged in their congregations, the media, and the public at large. We must do all that we can to support these men and women in their ministries. It is also of vital importance that we all join in the forum and connect with one another and lift each other up. Please add to and participate in the discussions as this feeds and nurtures us all.
Thank you so much for your interest and support. Please stay tuned for future announcements and developments.
Register Here for Member Directory Listing
Faith Leaders - Know Your Rights
Since the 1954 passage of the Johnson Amendment the secular progressive left has lead a campaign to suppress the ability of faith leaders to speak on a whole variety of topics from the pulpit. Mostly centered around the political sphere these efforts have effectively stifled all but the most brazen of pastors. Although no church has been has had their tax status revoked since this law was enacted the mere threat suppresses their ability to be the Godly ordained Guardians of Our Culture.
It is time that our pulpits again become the place for biblical based oratory on all matters that effect our Christian walk through our secular society. But first it is important to know your rights and freedoms. We seek here to provide a host of resources to study and learn what can and can not be done from the pulpit. A good starting place is learning the history of the Johnson Amendment. The document below gives a concise historical overview of this law.
Join the Initiative to Distribute the Teacher's Guide to Christian Students
Our educational arm, the Salt and Light Institute, has developed a guide and other resources to combat the growing tide of special interest groups indoctrinating our youth at the exclusion of the Christian perspective. Please join us in promoting this initiative in your community. Sign up as a Facilitator or Champion and help us spread the word.
Wall Builders
Although we are not affiliated with David Barton or the Wall Builders organization, David serves as an inspiration and Wall Builders is a great resource of historical knowledge.
Wall Builders Black Robe Regiment
Visit the Black Robe Regiment on Wall Builders. This site provides a great historical overview of the Black Robe Regiment.
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