Forming the Salt and Light Institute And how you can help!
The Black Robe Regiment is pleased to announce that we are forming a new educational entity that we have named the Salt and Light Institute. This entity will provide ongoing trainings and seminars on relevant topics such as true American History, civics and governmental studies, constitutional studies, Church and State studies (ie. Understanding the Establishment Clause, argumentation and reason, legal context, & historical context), Church Initiatives (corporate structures, tax code and governing law, empowering faith leaders, being Salt and Light and forming Salt and Light committees, Islamic studies and Sharia law, Judaic studies, understanding other religions, combating the progressive culture, combating judicial activism, and many more).
We will seek to reach out to numerous segments of society to offer these trainings such as the faith community and Churches (their pastoral and leadership staff), educators in primary and secondary schools/universities, homeschool educators and their students, university student groups, governmental entities, nonprofit and advocacy organizations, and the general public at large.
So as you can see this is a substantial opportunity for us to be something very relevant that can have a significant impact on society. Although initially these courses will be conducted at our training center in Nashville Tennessee, we will also have the ability to offer these education tracts in other regions around the US as we grow and become more solvent and self sustaining.
In order to kick off this initiative and to accomplish these goals we will need your help and support. Initially we will need to raise funds to cover the startup costs such as establish the legal entities and licensing, develop program material, develop marketing material, and fund the initial courses. We are currently scheduling the first series of classes that will begin in late January. We will be offering a series of classes on the legislative process (6 part course), Founding Principles, Preserving Freedom, multiple tracks on Islam and the differences between the Constitution and Sharia law, and a constitutional study course. Many more course offerings on a myriad of topics will be added throughout the year.
What we are trying to accomplish here is really centered on equipping people with knowledge which is consistent with God’s Word and is so desperately needed in a nation that is divided and has turned its back on faith and morality. We must all get prepared both physically and spiritually.
We are very aware of the state of the economy and that many people are struggling right now. If however you can make a small donation to launch this initiative it would be greatly appreciated. As the Salt and Light Institute will be a 501 c3 not for profit educational entity your donations will be deductable for tax purposes. We have setup this social fundraising site that will allow you to easily make your contribution and to share it with others via the power of social networking. Please utilize the sharing features of this site as this will expand the reach of the fundraising and it will help grow the Black Robe Regiment as well.
Thank you in advance for your commitment of support. We will strive to bring you relevant and timely instructional opportunities that will educate, motivate, and activate into following God’s admonition to us to be Salt and Light and spread his good Word.
The Black Robe Regiment Team
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