When you go through life, you will face obstacles and heartaches. Some people decide to just take it lying down. Others think that it is too much trouble to face so they just take the easy road and go with the flow, making half-hearted attempts in life rather than searching for the truth. Some blame others and just wander in circles while some just sit and cry never knowing the real reason why. Some people become blind in the facts never knowing the way to act. But then are those people who believe in God's plan, who realize and understand His plan in this physical life. These are the ones who make the most of each day in every physical, mental, and spiritual way.
Don't become lost in life and give up on the one love you can have through Jesus Christ! No matter how bad you may feel, you should never feel alone. There are many other people having the same difficulties and some whose circumstances are far worse yours. Make the most of your time in life no matter what you face. So don't wander around in the wilderness complaining because it is soley up to you and no one else, to live your life to the fullest in making the most of every day we are given.
Life can become a prison when we get stuck in our own box. We can begin to realize that there is much more to life when we open our eyes and see the paths in front of us and lend our ears to hear the beutiful music within the wind.